Henry Wong
Cybersecurity and AI Researcher
Sandia National Laboratories

About Me

Hi, my name is Henry Wong. I am currently working at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM in Cyber Security and AI.

I completed my M.S and B.S in Computer Science at Missouri University of Science and Technology.

In university I was heavily involved in projects across campus. I worked on and led MegaMinerAI, an AI competition, for multiple years, heavily participated in Capture-the-Flag(CTF) competitions, started the first ever hackathon at Missouri S&T, started the first ever data oriented organization on campus called MoData, and initiated the first Asian American Association at Missouri S&T. Outside of school I was briefly involved in Rolla government helping university related bills to be passed using data science.


Email : hcywong [at] outlook [dot] com

Recent News

  • 12/2020 Received a teaching effectiveness score of 3.60 (out of 4.00) in the official CET assessment on my first ever semester of teaching.
  • 08/2020 "Man-in-the-Middle Attacks on MQTT-based IoT Using BERT Based Adversarial Message Generation" was accepted ccepted to KDD 2020 (3rd AIoT workshop).

Happy to Connect!





Last Updated: Feb 25, 2021
Copyright © Henry Wong